visual studio tips
visual studio keyboard shortcuts
Command Line
Command Line: csc
Microsoft Resources
Rename and Refactor
1. Always rename your controls IMMEDIATELY 2. IF you forget: the form ======== change the File name in the Solution Explorer this changes the Name property too! procedures ========== Refactor a procedure name using Refactor Menu Form1_load becomes frmMain_Load buttons and other controls ========================== change the Name property in Properties window Refactor a procedure name using Refactor Menu button1_Click becomes btnNewName_Click variables ========= highlight the variable right-click refactor rename changes names according to scope rules better than search/replace!
Expand & Collapse Outlining
existing collapsible regions each method [+] contracated [-] expanded hides complexity while coding INCLUDE at leat one line of comment above the method create NEW collapsible regions #region FindPrimeNumber #endregion
UN-Wiring: deleting event code in c# windows programs
1. after deleting an event handler method, the code attaching the event to the object is still there & will cause an error must delete line of code that adds event handler to object in Form1.Designer.cs code will look similar to this: this.button4.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button4_Click); DELETE! 2. goto properties of the control with the handler to delete choose the events tab in events use RESET to UN-wire event
Wiring: adding event code in c# windows programs
To wire a method to an event goto properties of the control with the handler to delete choose the events tab in events choose the proper event choose the method from the drop-down to wire event
Debugger & Debug Output
F5 breakpoint step into / over / out examine / watch
Microsoft: using the debugger In console AND windows can output that will occur ONLY in debug (F5) Need this: using System.Diagnostics; // for debug write Can write as follows to display the value of x: Debug.WriteLine( x.ToString() ); // writes to output window in IDE
Tools / Options
turn on line numbers set tabs
Organize usings
right-click code window organize using remove unused usings
To RESET the Layout: Reset Window Layout from the Window menu in the Visual Studio