speed & time

There is an INVERSE relationship between clock speed and the length of time required for each clock tick (cycle). The length of a clock cycle is the shortest amount of time in which a single operation can take place.

Name Abbr. Ticks per Second Cycle Length
hertz hz 1 1 - second
kilohertz khz 1,000 ms (.001) - milli
megahertz Mhz 1,000,000 us (.000 001) - micro
gigahertz Ghz 1,000,000,000 ns (.000 000 001) - nano
terahertz Thz 1,000,000,000,000 ps (.000 000 000 001) - pico

We divide time into very small fractional units as a means of measuring computer speeds because conventional time (minutes, seconds) is inadequate.

A clock ticking at 1 Mhz would have a clock cycle (time of a single tick) of 1/millionth of a second (1 microsecond).

Clock Speed Clock Cycle Time =========== ================ 1 Khz ==> 1/1000 = 1 ms (milli) 1 Mhz ==> 1/1000000 = 1 us (micro) 1 Ghz ==> 1/billion = 1 ns (nano) Example: Clock Speed ??? =========== ================= 100 Mhz ==> If we know that 1 Mhz clock has a cycle of 1/million = 1 us And we understand the inverse relationship between speed and cycle we then multiply one side by 100, we divide other side by 100 So 1 Mhz ==> 1us 100 Mhz ==> 1/100 us Since there are 1,000ns in a us 100 Mhz ==> 1000 ns / 100 = 10ns Example: 10 Ghz ==> 1 ns / 10 there are 1000 ps in a ns 1000 ps / 10 = 100 ps Problem: If a circuit contained 2 gates in series, each which took 10ns to traverse, what is the fastest clock that could regulate that circuit? Need to have a minimum tick of 20ns. 1 ns tick => 1 Ghz clock = 1000 Mhz clock As the tick get longer, the clock gets slower... 10ns tick => .1 Ghz clock = 100 Mhz clock There is an inverse realtionship between clock cycle and clock rate: If you multiply length of clock cycle by x, then divide clock rate by x 20ns tick => .05Ghz clock = 50 Mhz clock

Thinking about time...

Time Amount Abbr. Time Period Equivalence
billion seconds Gs about 32 years trillion ms
million seconds Ms about 11.5 days billion ms
thousand seconds ks about 16.5 minutes million ms
second s a second 1000 ms
millisecond (thousandth) ms 10^-3 = .001 second 1000 us
microsecond (millionth) us 10^-6 = .000 001 second 1000 ns
nano (billionth) ns 10^-9 = .000 000 001 second 1000 ps
pico (trillionth) ps 10^-12 = .000 000 000 001 second 1000 fs
femto fs 10^-15 = .000 000 000 000 001 second really fast