.  244  . 
≋ To Do
S7E11       TEXT       PRIME(lib,con) PRIME(lib,win)       GRIDS C#       GOL C#       VSSORT C++       UNIXSORT      

readable code       c# windows code       c# console code       c# reference       msdn programming guide
42 class calendar
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01. Course Intro: Expectations & Topics
about 244 (syllabus, grades, code)
syllabus(pdf), faq grades, honesty, readable code, submit assignments, CAP, visual studio, labs on campus, macs
Why are there so few CS / IS majors?? "Software is hard," reads the quote that opens Dreaming in Code. Why do most projects end up over-budget or cancelled or both? Why can't we ship code without bugs? Why can't we build software the same way we build bridges? Software Disasters Readable => Understandable => Maintainable YOU'LL be doing CODE like this: Arrays: classes and objects Sum with parameters and return Sum Range finds sum of numbers within range Day One Quiz (C#)
02. Review and Console Intro
Fundamentals and 202 Review Create Console Programs Example Console Programs
We review/expand/enhance/complete/remember ideas from 202. We learn that methods are key to code organization in 244. Console Progarms vs. Windows. Write code from scratch (notepad++)
03. Methods, Parameters (value & ref), Oveloads Returns
IsEven finds if number is even: overloaded IsPerfect finds if number is a perfect square Params: out, ref, named, default/optional ref: Method Examples: web, recursive, fade
We understand what a signature is and why it is important. We understand return values. We understand parameter variations: by value, by reference, optional, by name We understand the important difference between reference, out and value params and how to specify. We understand events, delegates and event wiring. We can create and call methods.
04. Errors, Debugging & C# References
Syntax, Run-time & Logic Errors ; Debug; Validation web, errors, timing, methods References: MSDN C# Reference MSDN C# Programming Guide C# Reference
We can use "#define DEBUG" (default) and "#undef DEBUG" for conditional compilation. We can use #if DEBUG & #endif to conditionally compile (& execute) code. We can debug using breakpoints and stepping into and stepping through code. We can examine the value of variables as code executes in debug. We know where to look for help.
05. Arrays, Lists & Console
Console Snake (& enum) Array: a "Collection" of objects of the same type Arrays as parameters CODE: Stopwatch: timing, arrays, methods, params 2-d arrays and nested loops List<T> , generics and collections
We can create a console program. We understand that Console.WriteLine() & Console.ReadLine() are the primary I/O methods. We understand the difference between static methods (class) and instance methods (object). We can create, execute and debug console programs. int y; // a value variable stored statically on the stack int[] x; // a reference variable that references an array x = new int[10]; // references dynamic memory from the "heap" x[0] = 99; // assign a value Arrays are 'immutable' Pass arrays as parametrs Pass params by reference
06. Arrays and Example Code
07. Classes, Libraries & DLLs
08. structs, threads, delegates & recursion
 ☆   Test1 - Mid Term Exam (2 days)
09. Intro to C++
0A. Example C++ Code
0B. C++ Primer Plus Code from Text
0C. Arrays in C++
0D. Functions in C++
0E. Pointers in C++
0F. C++ Unix
10. Files in C++
☆   Test 2 - Final Exam: May 5th-8th (Tu-Fri)
Student is responsible for notes, readings and classroom discussions.   Notes may be changed, emphasized, re-ordered or skipped over.
You must earn an "A" or "B" in CIS 202 to enroll in CIS 244.   A strong "A" is advised.

  1. C# 5.0 Programmer's Reference by Rod Stephens
    - [REQUIRED] ISBN 978-1-118-84728-2, 2014
    - buy from amazon     - buy from bookstore
    - download source code     toc
  2. C++ Primer Plus, 6th ed., Sams (5th ed ok)
    - [REQUIRED] ISBN:0672326973, 2004
    - buy from amazon     - buy from bookstore
    - code by chapter     - code by subject